Mar 4, 2018
Tonight host Eric Dwinnells welcomes back
Judith Kalaora to discuss The Immortal Man
of malden Massachusetts, Ephraim Grey! But there is a
problem...Eric tried to research Ephraim Grey online and found very
little evidence that he ever lived at all, let alone lived forever.
But Judith, who was used to work for a Boston ghost tour company as
notes from a training she was given with very specific names and
dates relating to the tale. Could it be that someone has done deep
research on Mr. Grey and just never thought to publish it anywhere
or is it possible that a tour company who's job it is to tell
spooky stories might have added a few details for dramatic effect?
You decide.
Ephraim Grey was (allegedly) a 19th century mad scientist/doctor
who was trying to find the secret to eternal life. Apparently it
didn't work because his "manservant" reported his death to police
but said his master wanted no inquest or autopsy performed! Years
later, when teenagers searched Ephraim's (alleged) tomb, Ephraim
was there and looked very much alive! When they came back for a
second look...he was gone! Some say he still wanders the town
by night. Others say the whole story is B.S.
We'll also discuss Judith and Eric's similar odd jobs and their
VERY different views on ghost and the afterlife!
All this and more on tonight's Spooky A S
Music by Occultic Overtones