Aug 14, 2016
Host Eric Dwinnells could not be more excited
to share one of his biggest Halloween pleasures with you (and
cohost Tom Cole), 1979's The Halloween
That Almost Wasn't aka The Night Dracula Saved The World!
The truly blessed among you have strong memories of watching this
special each year...the less fortunate won't remember it at all.
But don't let the fact that you've never seen it scare you away
from listening to this episode; we'll cover everything you need to
know to appreciate The Halloween That Almost Wasn't and tell you
how you can watch it for free (short answer: youtube).
Judd Hirsch as Dracula. Mariette Hartley as The Witch. Henry Gibson
as Igor (look him up, you'll recognize him!), and John Schuck as
Frankenstein's Monster! In our world, that's an all star cast!
Relive the surprisingly sentimental moments, enjoy a handful of
honest-to-god good jokes, and revel in the cheesy special effects
that make The Halloween That Almost Wasn't a true holiday classic
that is not to be missed!
Theme song by Occultic Overtones