Jul 4, 2021
Tonight host Eric D is joined by three guests: Emily Ferguson,
Brian Toney and Tom Cole to watch and discuss the landmark 1992 BBC
Halloween special: Ghostwatch!
Ghostwatch was a show about a "live" investigation of a haunting,
but it was presented as real. Reality TV is nothing new these days,
but in 1992, it was not widely known. This caused some viewers to
think what they were seeing was real and this caused something of a
panic through the nation....or did it? It seems a lot of urban
legend has grown up around this special and it's aftermath. We
couldln't wait to watch it for he first time and share our thoughts
with you on episode 200 of Spooky times with Eric
D! Now go learn about the ghost named Pipes who haunts a
glory hole. No, seriously.
Music by Occultic Overtones/Brian Toney