Mar 5, 2018
This is it! The 100th episode and to make sure it stand out,
host Eric Dwinnells has invited not just one
guest, but four! First he'll talk with long absent Tom
Cole about why he's been away from the show for so long.
Then, the two will discuss an major update to an episode that aired
last year about Unsolved Mysteries...we don't want
to give anything away here, but it seems Eric may have gotten
himself directly involved in an unsolved mystery!
Then it's time for the main event!!! Eric welcomes back
former/frequent guests Emily Ferguson,
Brian Toney and the very quiet Fatima
Elmi as they watch and discuss The Deception of a
Generation, an 80's anti cartoons, toys, and cereal propaganda
video! Yes, it seems in the 1980's Satan decided
to jump in the toy box and turn the children of the USA into gay
occult killing machines!!!
If you grew up in the 80's you're going to want to hear this. Did
you know you were brainwashed and conditioned to think there was
nothing wrong with talking to demons and necromancy? Did you know
that He-Man is a match for Jesus both physically
and magically? Did you know the Care Bears were
attempting to start their own religion? E.T. was a
homosexual who wanted you to accept him as Jesus? Did you know the
Smurfs are actually transexual corpse
I promise, we are not making this up. All these outlandish claims
and many, many more are actually presented in Deception of a
Generation. It is both hilarious and terrifying and a perfect
choice for the supersize 100th episode of Spooky A
Music by Occultic Overtones (aka