Jan 2, 2017
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Happy New Year? We'll see! Tonight, inspired by people hating on
2016, host Eric Dwinnells takes a look at
the fear of numbers aka numerophobia aka
arithmophobia! Of course, that's just the fear of numbers
in general, but what about the fear of the numbers 4
(tetraphobia), 13 (Triskaidekaphobia),
the 23 enigma, the curse of 39,
or fear of 666?
Where did these ideas come from? What makes these numbers so scary?
How can we free ourselves of these fears? The answers will lead us
to discuss things like
Judas at the last supper
Loki, the bummer of a dinner guest
asian languages
William s. Burroughs
Jim Carrey
shady business practices
The Omen
The Beast of Revelation and the end of the world
Plus find out what Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffery Dammer and Eric Dwinnells all have in common!
Music by Occultic Overtones