Feb 28, 2016
Did you know that if you play "Stairway to Heaven"
backwards, you can hear Robert Plant talking about making a deal
with the devil and encouraging you to do the same? It's
true!...well...not really, but certain groups wanted you to believe
that for a time. They called this process
backmasking (or back masking). And it wasn't just
Led Zep; many groups were accused of hiding satanic messages in
their music using this technique. Groups accused include The
Beatles, Queen, Judas Priest, AC/DC and even Weird Al! And some of
them were actually guilty! Kinda.
Join Eric and his guest cohost, Brian Toney, as
they talk about the history of backmasking from how it started
innocently as a studio trick pioneered by non other than John
Lennon all the way up to the Satanic Panic of the 1980's. Was there
any truth to the accusations? Is such a technique even possible to
master? Can our subconscious be affected by hearing backward
messages? Find out in this rocking episode of Spooky A S!
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Spooky A S theme song by Occultic Overtones