Oct 31, 2018
Happy Halloween, Spookaroos!!! Eric rushed this episode to be sure to have it ready for you in time for Halloween so please forgive any little mistakes that may have been left in. Yes, host Eric Dwinnells is back to tell you about all the things he did to make the most of this year's Halloween season including a visit...
Oct 23, 2018
Last week's episode got a little heavy so this week let's get
real dumb! Tonight we celebrate Beavis and
Butt-Head in general and Cornholio Lord of the
Harvest specifically!
It may or may not surprise you to learn that Eric was a big Beavis
and Butt-Head fan during the show's original run so naturally he
was tuned in...
Oct 13, 2018
Oh boy. Well, tonight is going to talk about The Cosby
Show and it's Halloween related episodes...but of course
we can't JUST talk about the episodes, can we? No tonight we'll
also talk about the rise and fall of Bill Cosby
himself. A heartbreaking episode.
Oct 4, 2018
Eric Dwinnells, The Witchfinder General of Salem Massachusetts,
has many thoughts about the city in which he carries out his work.
So does guest cohost Brian Toney. Tonight they sit down without
notes to discuss their true thoughts, feelings and theories about
Witch City: Salem, MA.
If you know anything about Salem,...