Sep 30, 2016
We've got a little space left on the server this month, so why
not use it for a mini episode! Enjoy host Eric Dwinnells and
guests Tom Cole and Jennie "Blades" Lecesse as they discuss horror
VHS covers that have haunted their imaginations since
Including Slumber Party Massacre, Ghoolies, The Company of...
Sep 25, 2016
It's officially Fall and host Eric Dwinnells has gone pumpkin crazy! Tonight we'll discuss the origins of carving pumpkins and putting candles in them. We'll learn al about the legend of the wicked Jack O'Lantern and his deals with the devil. We'll also learn a little about the Celtic holiday of Samhain and what...
Sep 18, 2016
Host Eric Dwinnells is dipping into the Spooky Archives to bring you bits form previous episodes that didn't make it into the finale cut of the original show. These bits weren't cut because they were't good; far from it! They were only cut because the show was running long. So it's a joy to finally be able to present...
Sep 4, 2016
Eric Dwinnells and guest cohost Tom Cole are back to discuss some missing person cases with strange twists! Did a young mother end up buried under a Massachusetts highway? Was a missing college student kidnaped and forced to become a prostitute? How did five children disappear during a house fire without leave any...